Megazyme E-MALBS 低聚α- ( 1,4-1,6 )葡糖苷酶(芽孢杆菌)

Megazyme E-MALBS 低聚α- ( 1,4-1,6 )葡糖苷酶(芽孢杆菌)


Megazyme E-MALBS 低聚α- ( 1,4-1,6 )葡糖苷酶(芽孢杆菌)

中文名称:低聚α- ( 1,4-1,6 )葡糖苷酶(芽孢杆菌)
英文名:Oligo-α-(1,4-1,6)-glucosidase (Bacillus sp.)


规格:3,000 Units at 40oC

High purity oligo-α-(1,4-1,6)-glucosidase (Bacillus sp.) for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitrodiagnostic analysis.

CAZy Family: GH13
CAS: 9032-15-9

oligo-1,6-glucosidase; oligosaccharide 6-alpha-glucohydrolase

Recombinant. From Bacillus sp.
In 3.2 M ammonium sulphate.

Specific activity: 87 U/mg protein (on p-nitrophenyl-α-D-glucopyranoside) at pH 7.0 and 40oC.

Stability: > 2 years 4oC.




产品编号 中文名称 英文品名 规格
E-E-AGLUTM α-葡萄糖苷酶(耐热)(海栖热袍菌) α-Glucosidase (thermostable) (Thermotoga maritima) 500 Units at 80oC
E-E-MALTS α-葡萄糖苷酶 (麦芽糖酶) Alpha-Glucosidase (Maltase) 2,000 Units
E-E-TRNGL α-葡[萄]糖苷酶 [转葡糖苷酶][黑曲霉] α-Glucosidase (transglucosidase) (Aspergillus niger) 2,000 Units
E-TSAGL α-葡萄糖苷酶[嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌] α-Glucosidase (Bacillus stearothermophilus) 1,500 Units
E-E-TSAGS 重组α-葡萄糖苷酶[嗜热脂肪芽孢杆菌] α-Glucosidase (Bacillus stearothermophilus) (Recombinant) 3,000 Units at 40oC; ~ 6,000 Units at 60oC
E-E-MALBS 寡聚α-(1,4-1,6)葡萄糖苷酶(枯草芽孢杆菌) Oligo-α-(1,4-1,6)-glucosidase (Bacillus sp.) 3,000 Units at 40oC
E-E-OAGUM 低聚α-1,6-葡萄糖苷酶(微生物) Oligo-α-1,6-Glucosidase (microbial) 3,000 Units at 40oC

Megazyme K-PULLG6 普鲁兰酶/极限醍醐精检测试剂盒

Megazyme K-PULLG6 普鲁兰酶/极限醍醐精检测试剂盒


Megazyme K-PULLG6 普鲁兰酶/极限醍醐精检测试剂盒


英文名:Pullulanase/Limit-Dextrinase Assay Kit (PULLG6 Method)


规格:100 assays (manual)

PULLG6 assay for the measurement of pullulanase employs a water soluble defined substrate, namely 4,6-O-benzylidene-4-nitrophenyl-63-α-D-maltotriosyl-maltotriose (BPNPG3G3), coupled with the ancillary enzymes α-glucosidase and β-glucosidase. Upon hydrolysis of the substrate at the 1,6-α-linkage by pullulanase or limit-dextrinase, the released 4-nitrophenyl-β-maltotrioside is immediately hydrolysed to glucose and 4-nitrophenol by the concerted action of the α-glucosidase and β-glucosidase enzymes in the reagent mixture. The reaction is terminated and phenolate ions are developed by addition of dilute alkali. The absorbance is read at 400 nm and the value obtained correlates directly with pullulanase activity.

PullG 6法测定普鲁兰酶采用水溶性底物,即4,6-O-苄基-4-硝基苯-63-α-D-麦芽糖-丙三糖(BPNPG3G3),与α-葡萄糖苷酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶结合.当底物在1,6-α-链上被普鲁兰酶或极限糊精酶水解后,释放出的4-硝基苯基-β-麦芽三糖苷在试剂混合物中α-葡萄糖苷酶和β-葡萄糖苷酶的协同作用下,立即水解成葡萄糖和4-硝基酚。反应结束后,加入稀碱,形成酚酸根离子。在400 nm处读取吸光度,得到的吸光度值与普鲁兰酶活性直接相关。

Colourimetric method for the determination of pullanase
or limit-dextrinase

(1) Benzylidene-G3-(α-1,6)-G3-β-PNP + H2O → Benzylidene-G3 
+ G3-β-PNP

(thermostable α-glucosidase and β-glucosidase)
(2) G3-β-PNP + H2O → D-glucose + PNP

(alkaline solution)
(3) PNP → phenolate ion (yellow colour)

Note: PNP = 4-nitrophenol

Kit size: 100 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 400 nm
Total assay time: 10 min for pullanase preparations
30 min for malt extracts containing
Detection limit: 0.18 U/mL for pullulanase preparations
(50-fold dilution)
0.01 U/g for limit dextrinase in milled malt
Application examples: Assay of microbial pullulanase preparations
Measurement of limit-dextrinase in
malt extracts
Method recognition: Novel method


  • High sensitivity
  • Suitable for manual and auto-analyser formats
  • No transglycosylation interference
  • Very cost effective
  • All reagents stable for > 1 year after preparation
  • Very specific
  • Simple format
  • Standard included



甘油检测试剂盒 Glycerol Assay Kit


产品品名: 甘油检测试剂盒

英文品名 :Glycerol Assay Kit

规格型号: 70 assays per kit


The Glycerol test kit is a simple, reliable, rapid and accurate method for the measurement and analysis of Glycerol in beverages, foodstuffs and other materials.
Suitable for manual and microplate formats.

UV-method for the determination of Glycerol in foodstuffs,
beverages and other materials

原理: (glycerokinase)
(1) Glycerol + ATP → L-glycerol-3-phosphate + ADP

(pyruvate kinase)
(2) ADP + PEP → ATP + pyruvate

(L-lactate dehydrogenase)
(3) Pyruvate + NADH + H+ → L-lactic acid + NAD+

反应时间: 5min

检测限: 0.37mg/L

适用样品: 葡萄酒(葡萄汁)、啤酒、烈酒、醋、杏仁蛋白软糖、果汁、软饮料、牙膏、蜂蜜、烟、纸(硬纸板)、化妆品


l    新型的片剂形式增加了稳定性

l    价格低廉(每次检测成本)

l    所有试剂配制后的稳定性 >2 年

l    反应快

l    该方法已通过 OIV , MEBAK 以及德国和瑞士的认证


  1.         Spinella, C. I. (1966). Modified enzymatic procedure for the routine determination of glycerol  and triglycerides in plasma.  J. Lipid Res ., 7,167-169 .
  2.  Klopper, W. J., Angelino, S. A. G. F., Tuning, B. & Vermeire, H. A. (1986). Organic acids and  glycerol in beer.  J. Inst. Brew ., 92, 225- 228.
  3.         Michal, G. (1976). Enzymatische analyse in der pharmazie.  Acta Pharmaceutica  Technologica , Suppl. 1, S, 151-162.
  4.         Pfandl, A. & Menschig, D. (1984). Ein beitrag zur enzymatischen glycerin- und  ethanol-bestimmung.  Pharm. Ind ., 46, 403-407.
  5.         Wieland, O. H. (1988). Glycerol. In  Methods of Enzymatic Analysis  (Bergmeyer, H. U., ed.),  3rd ed., Vol. VI, pp. 504-510, VCH Publishers (UK) Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

Megazyme O-PNPX2 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-xylobiose 50mg

Megazyme O-PNPX2 p-Nitrophenyl-ß-xylobiose 50mg

上海金畔生物代理爱尔兰Megazyme 产品,部分现货,期货货期2-3周,价格优惠,欢迎访问Megazyme官网或者咨询我们获取更多产品信息。


CAS: 6819-07-4
Molecular Formula: C16H21NO11
Molecular Weight: 403.3
Purity: > 97%High purity 4-Nitrophenyl-β-xylobioside for use in research, biochemical enzyme assays and in vitro diagnostic analysis. This is a colourimetric substrate for measurement of β-xylanase and β-xylosidase activity.


柠檬酸检测试剂盒, Citric Acid Assay Kit




品名:Citric Acid Assay Kit




(citrate lyase)

(1) Citrate → oxaloacetate + acetate

(L-malate dehydrogenase)

(2) Oxaloacetate + NADH + H+ → L-malate + NAD+

(D-lactate dehydrogenase)

(3) Pyruvate + NADH + H+ → D-lactate + NAD+

检测方法:分光光度法 @340 nm



(注意:如果样品中草酰乙酸脱羧酶,将一些草酰乙酸产物转变为丙酮酸:因此,为了确保柠檬酸的定量准确,采用D-乳酸脱氢酶( D-LDH),将丙酮酸产物转变为D-乳酸和NAD+)






Bottle 1: 缓冲溶液 (40 mL, pH 7.5) 添加叠氮钠(0.02%)作为防腐剂
稳定超过 2年 at 4°C
Bottle 2: NADH, 添加 PVP.
稳定超过 5年 at -20°C
Bottle 3: L-苹果酸脱氢酶, 添加 D-乳酸脱氢酶, 1.5 mL.
稳定超过 2年 at 4°C.
Bottle 4: (x 3) 柠檬酸裂解酶,冻干
稳定超过 2年 at -20°C
Bottle 5: 柠檬酸标准溶液 (5 mL, 0.20 mg/mL)溶于0.02% (w/v)叠氮钠溶液
稳定超过 2年 at 4°C


重组柠檬酸裂解酶4℃稳定性为4周/ -20℃,6个月


Mollering, H. (1989). Citrate. In Methods of Enzymatic Analysis (Bergmeyer, H. U., ed.), 3rd ed., Vol. VII, pp. 2-12, VCH Publishers (UK) Ltd., Cambridge, UK.

Megazyme L-CONA 刀豆球蛋白A Concanavalin A (Con A)

Megazyme L-CONA 刀豆球蛋白A Concanavalin A (Con A)



Megazyme L-CONA 刀豆球蛋白A Concanavalin A (Con A)


英文名:Concanavalin A (Con A)


规格:1 g

High purity Concanavalin A (Con A) lectin has a highly specific carbohydrate binding affinity, for research and in vitro diagnostic analysis.

Affinity purified, lyophilised powder. Con A is not blood group specific, has an affinity for terminal α-D-mannose and α-D-glucose residues and requires the presence of Ca2+ and Mn2+ for activity.

高纯度刀豆蛋白A(ConA)凝集素具有高度特异性的碳水化合物结合亲和力,用于研究和离体 分析

亲和纯化冻干粉末。Con A不具有血型特异性,对末端α-D-甘露糖和α-D-葡萄糖残基具有亲和力,需要钙的存在。2+2+为了活动。

(1) FORM
Affinity purified, off-white lyophilised powder.
Con A is not blood group specific, has an affinity for terminal α-D-mannose and α-D-glucose residues and requires the presence of Ca2+ and Mn2+ for activity. Con A exists in dimeric (pH < 5.6), tetrameric (pH between 5.6 and 7.0) and aggregate (pH > 7.0) forms. An active dimer above pH 5.6 can be generated by succinylation. Con A exhibits mitogenic activity which is dependent upon its degree of aggregation.

Activity: 20 μg/mL
Electrophoretic purity: Electrophoresis was preformed using a 14% acrylamide gel.
UV absorbance: In 100 mM NaCl; λmax = 275.8; E1% = 13.7.
Solubility: Slightly hazy, colourless solution at 10 mg/mL in water.
Activity note: Activity is determined using a twofold serial dilution of 1 mg/mL solution of
Con A in PBS* (8.0 g NaCl, 0.3 g KCl, 0.2 g KH2PO4/L; pH 7.2) containing 1
mM Ca2+ and 1 mM Mn2+. The activity is expressed as the lowest concentra-
tion to give agglutination of a 2% suspension of human red blood cells (type O)
in PBS* after 1 hr incubation at room temperature.
Storage temperature: -20ºC
Shelf life: > 3 years at -20ºC
Safety statement: 22-24 / 25

Reference 参考文献:
Entlicher, G.J., Kostir, V. and Kocourek, J. (1971) Studies on phytohemmagglutinins.
8. Isoelectric point and multiplicity of purified concanavalin A. Biochim Biophys Acta 236(3): 795-7

Megazyme D-葡萄糖[GOPOD法]检测试剂盒

Megazyme  D-葡萄糖[GOPOD法]检测试剂盒



英文名:D-Glucose (GOPOD Format) Assay Kit


规格:660 assays per kit

品牌: Megazyme


Megazyme检测试剂盒优点:选择简单可用的方法,葡萄糖氧化酶/过氧化酶 /己糖激酶/6-磷酸葡萄糖脱氢酶。试剂稳定

The D-Glucose test kit contains high purity reagents for the measurement and analysis of D-glucose in cereal extracts and for use in combination with other Megazyme kits.

Colourimetric method for the determination of D-Glucose in 
foodstuffs, beverages and other materials

(glucose oxidase)
(1) D-Glucose + H2O + O2 → D-gluconate + H2O2

(2) 2H2O2 + p-hydroxybenzoic acid + 4-aminoantipyrine → 
quinoneimine + 4H2O

Kit size: 660 assays
Method: Spectrophotometric at 510 nm
Reaction time: ~ 20 min
Detection limit: 100 mg/L
Application examples:
Wine, beer, fruit juices, soft drinks, milk, jam, dietetic foods, bakery
products, candies, fruit and vegetables, tobacco, cosmetics, pharmaceuticals,
feed, paper and other materials (e.g. biological cultures, samples, etc.)
Method recognition:
Widely used and accepted in clinical chemistry and food analysis


  • All reagents stable for > 12 months after preparation
  • Very competitive price (cost per test)
  • Simple format
  • Standard included


Q1. There is an issue with the performance of the kit; the results are not as expected.

If you suspect that the Megazyme test kit is not performing as expected such that expected results are not obtained please do the following:

  1. Ensure that you have tested the standard sample that is supplied with the Megazyme test kit.
  2. Send the results of the kit standard, blank samples and the results obtained for your sample, in the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet (if available) to Megazyme ( Where available the relevant MegaCalc spreadsheet can be downloaded from where the product appears on the Megazyme website.
  3. State the kit lot number being used (this is found on the outside of the kit box).
  4. State which assay format was used (refer to the relevant page in the kit booklet if necessary).
  5. State exact details of any modifications to the standard procedure that is provided by Megazyme.
  6. State the sample type and describe the sample preparation steps if applicable.

Q2. I have some questions regarding the Glucose Oxidase and peroxidase in the Glucose Assay Kit.

At what optimal pH do the enzymes work? Does the sample that is added to the enzyme mix show incorrect results if it is outside a certain pH range?

The test is best run at pH 7.4.  The reagent is buffered at this pH.  Using different pH values will affect results, i.e. it may take longer to reach this end point; but the same end-point value should be obtained if not too far away from this pH value.

Q3. What is the linear range of the Glucose Assay Kit?

The test is set up to measure between 10 and 100 micrograms per assay (i.e. 0.1 mL of 0.1 to 1.0 mg/mL).  You may prefer to use 3.0 mL of GOPOD reagent mixture plus 1.0 mL of sample; in this case the concentration range in the material being analysed (diluted) should be ~10 to 100 micrograms per mL.  The test is linear up to an absorbance of 1.4 (final assay volume of 3.2 mL).  If the final volume is 4.0 mL, then linearity will be up to about 1.0 absorbance units.

Q4. I have some questions on your Glucose Assay Kit. Is the colour stable at room temperature? Does the reaction continue if not read within 20 minutes?

The reaction is complete after approx. 15 min, and the colour is stable at temperatures of 20-50˚C for at least an extra hour.

Q5. Please let us know the lower limit of detection of measuring glucose using your Glucose Assay Kit (mg/mL).

1 microgram gives an absorbance of 0.01 if 3 mL of GOPOD are used.  If 1 mL of GOPOD is used, 1 microgram gives an absorbance of 0.03 OD.

Q6. Should the pH of the sample be adjusted even for samples in acidic media?

The pH of the assay solution after the sample is added should be the same as that of the assay buffer that is supplied with the kit.
Low sample volumes (e.g. 0.1 mL) are not likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore may not require pH adjustment.
Samples above 0.1 mL are more likely to affect the pH of the assay solution and therefore the pH of these samples should be adjusted as described in the data booklet, prior to addition to the assay.

Q7. Sometimes a negative absorbance change is obtained for the blank samples, is this normal? Should the real value (negative absorbance change) or “0” be used in the calculation of results?

Sometimes the addition of the last assay component can cause a small negative absorbance change in the blank samples due to a dilution effect and in such cases it is recommended that the real absorbance values be used in the calculation of results.

Q8. We stored the Glucose Assay Kit at 0-5°C for some weeks, because that is what is written on the package. Now we have noticed on some of the vials it says storage at –20°C. Can you tell me how long the products can be stored at 0-5°C without damage?

The kit enzymes can be stored at 0-5°C for up to 12 months, so they will be perfectly fine.

Q9. The temperature for the Glucose Assay Procedure (40 or 50˚C)-is this for incubation of the mix or reading the results at the spectrophotometer? Could I read the results at room temperature?

The temperature is just for the incubations.  It is an end-point assay, so the spectrophotometer does not need to be temperature controlled.

Q10. Can oligosaccharides or polysaccharides be measured using the kit assay?

The kit assay will only measure the non-covalently linked monosaccharide.

Oligosaccharides or polysaccharides can be measured after hydrolysis to the monosaccharide. Generally acid hydrolysis can be achieved by boiling the oligo/polysaccharide in 1.3 M HCl for 1 h. It is recommended that scientific literature is consulted for information on hydrolysis conditions for the particular oligo/polysaccharide that is being measured.